SOOOO ahum... i know i have been a little a wall to say the least. It has been such a huge change for me to adjust to student life again. I went from interning five days a week from 9-6 to going to school with hours like 12-2 on and off on different days a week. I know you must think this leaves me with a lot of time but to be honest i am very bad with big changes. I sort of tend to put off work and not deal with real life. At first i thought it was me, but i have come to realize that this in fact is something called being human. I have been (fitness) training a lot, working on my Instagram account, handeling my dog family, handeling my own family, being social and dealing with life? I work out six days a week now and take my puppy to dog course three times a week. I don't how but the time just really seems to fly by (scary shit). So as i said i work out six days a week, because i am trying to give in that little extra before summer. Seeing as how summer is literally around the corner, it's time to really up the ante. I will be posting a before and after soon to show you guys how hard i have actually been working. So whats new? I actually visited a very cool launch between Denham and Stieglitz in Amsterdam last week and it turend out to be an amazing night. I met many interesting people and made a couple of new friends. The collection was also quite nice and it definitely caught my eye, to say the least, the launch was very successful, the vibe was great, the drinks where flowing and the dj was hitting the right tunes. Very hipster...just allround perfect for a boring Thursday evening. It was quite the spontaneous night and i somehow ended up in nightclub Jimmy Woo (please don't ask how i got home...haha oeps) So life took over a little bit and my soul searching was paused.
This week i am slowly getting my act back together, slowly getting school back on track, my work, blog, travel plans, soul searching etc. I have some cool topics coming up that i will be sharing with you and some great beauty products to test! I might even fly to Ibiza in two weeks so i will definitely be taking you with me. But for now, to get back into the soul searching groove and work mode, some inspirational tips and motivation.
Step one -> Make a vision board!

A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and texts of your dreams, goals, and things that make you happy. The idea behind this is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to travel, it serves as a source of motivation as you work towards achieving your dreams. (Credits and step to step how to make your own vision board)
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