Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Getting back on track

Hi Lovelies

So i think the hardest thing to do is getting back on track after a holiday. Being on holiday means giving your body a break and letting go a little bit. I know i have a hard time letting go, because even on holiday i have my routine, my gym and the right eating habits, because im in a great flow i don't want to ruin it. But sometimes you need to let your mind and body at peace from all of the restrictions you make for yourself during your healthy lifestyle. For example i don't let myself drink or splurge on unhealthy foods more then two days in a row or two days a week. Not only because i know it is bad for my body but also because i start feeling it on the inside. My mood because more agitated then fun and my body feels more fluffy then fit. But i have learned and accepted that you can't always be on a high, sometimes you need to let go and let your body gain some weight, or relax and have fun with that extra bottle of wine and accept the consequences, i know i do. You read al sorts of inspirational posts on Instagram of fit girls saying it's okey to let go and not always count your macro's and splurge on pizza and ice cream and don't care what shape you are in, while reading these captions i think to myself, of course it's alright if your body still looks insanely amazing after 'letting go' as they say. Because they still have abs? my abs disappeared after three weeks of splurging, i can tell you the struggle is real, if i am keeping it completely real with you.

I have learned that Instagram is a place of dreams and illusions of peoples lives being perfect and their perfect physique. I can tell you that in the real life, when you splurge on ice cream and pizza, sushi, alcohol, dinner nights out, movies filled with popcorn and snacks your body does not look the same as before! Fat has emmargheddd over night and your abs look more like flabs. I hate it when my fitness role models do a 'physique update' after a two week holiday surrounded by high calorie densed food and look absolutely amazing, perhaps a little bloated but abs still on point and im just asking myself....HOW??? anyway off topic because the whole issue actually is, how to get back on track after being surrounded by your so called 'best friend' sugar. I can tell you it involves a couple of nights filled with tears, a boyfriend taking all of the 'bad' foods out of the house so you won't eat it all when in cravings..and a lot of self love and motivation, sugar being addictive AF. I see sugar as my best frenemy because my heart loves it, my body does not. First step is just try to start your fitness regime like before, don't be to hard on yourself with food yet because remember you don't want to go cold turkey on sugars ass and end up understanding why the fridge has a light in the middle of the night...when you start working out, your body automatically starts craving healthy foods again because that is what it needs. Try replacing the bad treats with good treats, like high protein snacks and veggie snacks. Slowly feeling better on the inside will make you look better on the outside and will give you the strength and motivation you need to get back on track.

I know we all strive for a healthy lifestyle, because we don't want to feed our bodies crap all the time. But at the end of the day bad food can be heavenly and don't forget your just human, these foods are made of and filled with addictive supplements to trick your body into thinking that's all you need and want. And sometimes that is A OKEY! as long as you keep the 80/20 rule you will be fine :). Don't forget to enjoy life and if that means going for burgers and pizza twice a week, then nobody will judge you! They key is balance and that will make the reward so much better, because you actually work for it.

Okey lovelies so that is just my Wednesday preaching of the struggles i have experienced the past weeks, i will drop a little picture bomb down below to show you that your body does not forget and mostly your just bloated AF when you get off track for a while, but then you realize it's not all that bad.

So the picture on the left is me after eating very poorly and not working out regularly for the past three weeks and the picture on the right is three days later after getting back on track with my macro's! I see the past three to four weeks as my bulking period (although i haven't properly been bulking) but i was in a definite calorie surplus, when bulking you get enough calories for your body mass to grow. You will grow in muscle but also in fat! that is why after bulking you usually follow a cut, so the fat will melt away and your muscles have gained mass. (working on it! but see some definite differences in muscle mass)

So the picture on the left is the same as the pictures above, meaning this was yesterday. The picture on the right was in June at the beginning of my holiday. I can see clear muscle growth and definition which makes me a happy camper!

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